When a Person’s album with the identification needed icon is opened, any photo that is not yet confirmed will display three options at the bottom of the image: confirm, change, and deny. Albums that have photos that need to be identified will have an “identification needed” icon in the top left of the album. If Mylio finds a match, the person’s album in People view will ask you to confirm if the photo is, or is not, that person.

Toggle Face Recognition on by selecting the face recognition icon in the Quick Actions Bar. In these cases, you can manually tell Mylio where a face is on a photo.

I use iCloud Photo Library, so all the photos are the same on both. What I’m confused about however is that People are different on my iPad and on my iPhone. At times it would go all night and only scan an additional 100 photos, other times it would scan 4000 in an hour. If Mylio knows who someone is, they will have an album created for them in People view. Once Mylio knows the name and face of a person, it will scan each photo to see if it has a match as you browse through your images. This is especially true if a photo is at an angle, has insufficient (or too much lighting), or a face is partially obscured. I just left it alone and only checked every once in a while.
Advertisement How to Set a Photo Watch Face On. This allows you to quickly identify if a person is, or is not, who Mylio believes they are. One way that you can make your Apple Watch more personal is by using your own photos as watch faces, and watchOS 8 made this feature even better. Mylio will scan photos automatically and group them within People view.